Thursday, February 17, 2011

IADR February Contest Entry

Alrighty everyone. I'm actually already most of the way through sculpting the torso, not bad for me and my procrastinating ways! So the theme for IADR's February Contest is "Art Of The Soul". So I've decided to do the most evident emotion for me....all of them! My piece will be called "Freedom in Madness" and will feature a fierce female lycae (werewolf) during her first freeing of her beast! I think the piece may be a bit frightening, but as I see it she's being freed of her torn emotions and allowing her rage to become bliss!

I'll post pictures as it comes together or at least once I have a head sculpted.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dragon Pup (the hatchling)

Alrighty pics as promised, and I'll try for better pics in the AM!

Dragon Hatchling...almost ready for pics!!!

The dragon hatchling is now completely sculpted and I'm pretty certain this is the last layer of paint this little cutie is getting. After the wings and paint are cured and the baby has had a little freezer time (adding strength), I'll grab a few pics to share.

As I said it's a dragon hatchling, also called a dragon pup. It's not anatomically correct, so he or she is up to you! The pup's color is mainly red and black, but there's some blushing that's purple/blue/brown. The eyes are still sealed shut and the scales are premature, a lot like a freshly hatched baby bird. The wings are small and a little transparent.

I really really like this little one and I'm having trouble with the idea of parting ways with it! This dragon hatchling is so adorable!

Dragon Hatchling in the works....

So I've busy working on my Little Moon Nursery website and making babies for the nursery! But today I decided I wanted to do a dragon hatchling for Valentine's Day! So the hatchling will be seriously fresh from the egg. Her eyes not yet open and her scales still premature giving a baby bird sort of effect! Because I want her to be for Valentine's Day I've decided her colors will be red and black.

I just finished sculpted and adding her first layer of paint, and she's firing now. I'll be taking a break for coffee and a snack, then I'll work on giving her a cute little curled up body..wings and all! Check back for pics of her.